Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Day 22 An Exhausting Day

Work was very busy today. I even had another employee call me on the phone yelling at me. What a pleasure as usual. Tonight Liam and I have swim. We picked Nina up at Between the Buns on the way. Nina was there because apparently the same employee got another person in trouble as well. So annoying!

I was so nice to have mom there, she helped to get Liam changed and watched while he screamed and cried as I dunked him under the water. Mom redressed Liam when we were done while I attempted to dress myself. I just hate wet bathing suits, it's so cold!

Liam and I went home for a Hamburger Helper dinner and eventually bed. There are just some days I cannot wait for bedtime!

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Day 21 My Long Day at Work

This was the best picture I was going to get, Liam is such a little crank sometimes!

Today I felt VERY full and very pregnant, sometimes there are just days like that. I had a pretty long morning, it was very cold out again (negative 30) and when I started my car it was making a terrible noise. You called me to make sure it was ok and Dad called to ask if I would help him jump start his car, the battery had died.

I got to work a little late but it was ok because tonight was my late night at work anyway. Mom picked up Liam at 5:00 and when I picked him up I was feeling quite crampy. We eventually made it home and our amazon package had arrived! It was Liam's Mickey Mote and new DVDs. I somehow figured out a way to program the remote, I started the dishwasher, washed the swimming stuff for tomorrow and put away all of the laundry in the house. I finally got around to some blogging and to bed we went.

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Day 20 Liam is a Water Bug

Today was a long but productive day at work. Sometimes I really get into a project and my day flies by. I was extremely excited for our first day of swimming, it was at 6:00. The pool water was warm, thankfully! We sang songs like the Wheels on the Bus, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Pop goes the Weasel, and Humpty Dumpty. I even dunked Liam under the water. He was less than thrilled!

We met a little girl named Ella and and a baby boy, Colby. Liam talked and talked the entire time and I'm pretty sure the teacher absolutely loved him! It was by far the coldest day EVER, negative 15 when we finished up swim.

We raced home and I made Liam a dinner of chicken fingers, oranges, and mac n cheese. He ate it all and then ate most of my bowl of cereal. I cleaned up the kitchen and did dishes, they were piling up and the waffle maker needed to be cleaned. Eventually we made it to bed, what a busy night.

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Day 19 Sweets from my Sweets

Today was not at all a fun day at work. So many issues that have absolutely nothing to do with work. People are really difficult sometimes and there's just no way around it. BUT, my hubby, as usual, knows best. I got a gorgeous display of flowers and some absolutely wonderful chocolates. You really do know how to make me feel better! You could not have picked a better day. Why are you so good to me?

I eventually finished up a huge project at work and went to dads for dinner. At least this part is always a relief. We had the amazing spaghetti and meatballs, so at least that helped. Although, Dad was really sick, he sat in the living room most of the night relaxing and just piped in with conversation when he could manage.

We talked about our house, we talked about the rental and how it was going renting it out. We discussed the rising cost of heating and how lucky we are to live in the village with easily accessible natural gas, it makes such a difference. It is supposed to be REALLY cold for the next few days.

I stopped by the bank on my way home to make some deposits and to get gas even that is one of my least favorite things especially when it is only one degree outside. It is supposed to be a high of negative one for the next few days. BRRRRR, and tomorrow is swimming class, I hope our wet hair doesn't get us sick. We'll have to hurry in and out of the building.

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Day 18 Cleaning, Playing, Productive Day

Liam let us sleep in until 7:30 which was MUCH needed. We shared a bowl of cereal to which Liam told me to "Get more Mom, like JJ does it!" So bowl after bowl we munched on cereal... yum!

Nina and papa came over while I sorted and filed bills, then proceeded to pay bills, sometimes it is such a process! Liam and I had a special lunch of Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches and Spaghettios! It was delicious. Liam took a nap while I folded laundry, washed more laundry, watched about a million movies and did some puzzles together when he woke up.

I even caved in and did a Sponge Bob puzzle even though I absolutely despise him, lol. We played with blocks and eventually I took a break to clean the kitchen. when I was done Liam requested waffles like JJ does it. EVERYTHING, like JJ does it. You are such a special part of our lives hunny.

I wrote on the blog while Liam watched some movies and played on his computer. We FaceTimed my love, I took a shower and it was finally bedtime. What a busy day off!

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Day 17 Cuddling with Liam

Saturday morning. I woke up and slowly made my way around the house. I paid bills and eventually put on clothes and ventured to McDonalds for a breakfast sandwich and then to work. I worked until nearly 3:00 and ran home quick to pick things up before Liam was dropped at 4:00.

Nina came over to visit and Liam was quite late getting back here. We played for a little while and then Nina left and it was bath time for Mr. Liam. Tonight I filled the tub pretty high and turned on the jets. Liam was surprisingly good with the jets! It is nice to give them a run every now and again.

Liam and I went to bed and cuddled and cuddled and cuddled, we miss you babe!

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Day 16 Hotel with Fav

Tonight was dinner with Roo at Hotel Grande, yum! Kevin picked Liam up from Dad's at 4:00, I worked until nearly 6:00 and then met Sarah at the Body Shop until her hair was done around 7:00. It was so nice to just sit and chat through dinner with no interruptions and enjoy my virgin margarita!

I raced home in time for some FaceTime with my sweetie and finally some much needed sleep. Come home soon love.

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Day 15 Day After Day

I convinced Dad into some Chinese food. I'll take a meal out whenever I can get one. We miss you sweetie. Life just isn't the same without you around. I ran around town and did some errands including filling my prescriptions. Overall had a relatively normal, busy, tax season day.

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Day 14 One Night to Relax

Today was another long day at work. You might be sensing a pattern at this point. We had Pizza for dinner from Josies and just relaxed and had a completely uneventful evening home. I could use many, many more of these nights! I always feel so crunched for time lately. I love you so much babe, this is all so extremely hard sometimes. I miss you and think about you constantly.

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Day 13 Busy Night

Work is really heating up and getting super busy. I'm flying through projects and they just keep coming. I cannot wait for things to settle down a little bit in the coming months.

I left work today, grabbed Liam and headed to Walmart. We needed to get the usual like fruit, milk and candy for the office but also needed laundry detergent and a container for the bird seed we picked up at Agway.

After Walmart, Liam requested scrambled eggs and toast, I am always up for breakfast for dinner. We went downstairs for a little while and I attempted to walk on the treadmill. I am COMPLETELY exhausted! I need to get up early tomorrow, I have glucose testing and some more bloodwork. Seems like the testing and appointments never end. Miss you sweetie, can't wait until you're home and you can go to my appointments with me.

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Day 12 Nachos

And it's back to work for this girl! I spent a little bit of time today signing Liam up for some fun activities. Currently I have him signed up for gymnastics and swim class. I cannot wait to start either. It will be nice to get Liam used to some sort of structure and being around other children. Although work was long today, I at least I had dinner at Dad's to look forward to. Tonight we are having one of my all time favorites... NACHOS!!! It's a good thing too because somehow I managed to forget lunch.

Tonight I talked to Dad about taxes, a LOT about you and had a rather pleasant, relaxing evening. I eventually headed home to get Liam ready for bed and work on taking care of the foot, it really is getting better. I FaceTimed with my hunny, posted on the blog and finally drifted off to sleep. I love you babe and miss you like crazy.

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Day 11 Out of Breath

Finally a Sunday! We tried to sleep in, TRIED I say. Today I worked up a storm. I did 9 loads of laundry, changed the sheets, took a short nap with Liam and watched three totally awesome Hallmark movies! You know how I love cheesy love stories!

Mom and Bry Bry came over and brought us McDonalds on their way to WalMart. It was delicious! I had just enough evening left to give Liam a bath, FaceTime with my sweets, and fall into some sort of slumber. This bed is terribly lonely without you love, I really miss you!

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Day 10 Working Saturday

Saturday mornings just aren't the same during tax season. Mom and Bry Bry came over this morning and brought Liam some breakfast while I got ready for work. Bry Bry will be watching Liam today and I'm not sure which one is more excited about that, Liam or Papa.

I was able to make it through many hours of work and didn't head home until sometime after 3:00. Apparently Papa struggled with the nap process because Liam was still sleeping when I got there. Mom and I sat out on the couches and did our chatting and catching up until sleeping beauty finally awoke.

Then, Liam and I headed home to make dinner and relax for the rest of the evening. We miss you hunny!

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Day 9 Sleeping In

Today is Friday and even during tax season, Friday is a tiny bit of comfort! As usual it is our Doughnut Day! Every day in tax season seems just as uneventful as the last. They all roll into one and each one seems extremely long. I jetted out of the office at 5:00, made dinner at home and silently prayed that Liam would let me sleep in tomorrow, if only for a little while.

You know how sleeping in usually goes in this family... it doesn't! ;)

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Day 8 A Night Free? Nope!

Tonight is Thursday and our official first night home without anything extremely important to do, these nights are rare! I have been flying through projects at work and through all of my exhaustion decided to get some pizza from Pizza Hut with Nina for dinner.

After our uneventful dinner date, we went home, I paid bills, attempted to relax and thanked God that tomorrow is Friday. Even with a busy weekend, it is nice to know that it is finally here. I miss you sweetie, COME HOME SOON!!!!

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Day 7 A Sword Fight

Wednesday's are my very long days at work. Nina picks Liam up at 5:00pm and watches him at her house until I get out of work at 7:00pm. This really helps me to get my hours up without cutting too much into my time with Liam. I had such a productive day and I already feel like I'm in the middle of tax season. I don't know when that started but I'm extremely busy!

Mom made pizza for everyone and when I was done, I rushed there for some grub. Liam and Papa happened to find some swords (empty wrapping paper rolls) out on the porch, about 10 of them. We had a sword fight until every single one of them were completely mangled and falling apart. Liam does really well with the rule that if someone doesn't have a sword you can't play swords with them. He is actually very tricky to the unsuspecting player. He'll walk up, casually get you to hold the roll then beat you mercilessly without a moment's notice.

Eventually I broke away from mom's to get home and write on the blog and finally get some sleep.You wrote me at 9:00pm and you still weren't done with work, you must be exhausted. I feel so bad, I wish there was something I could do. I miss you sweets!

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Day 6 Sometimes It Gets Rough

Today was not at all the day I was hoping for! It was long, cold and completely exhausting. I struggled through my shower and eventually got everything together and Liam dressed with about ten minutes to get into the car, drop Liam off and drive to work. Needless to say, that didn't exactly work out as planned. Turns out Tuesday's and garbage days and I apparently stink at taking out the trash. The bins were iced shut, the orange bag wouldn't fit my garbage bag, the driveway was covered in ice, the recycling was stuffed full and the driveway wasn't really wide enough for two dumpsters and a vehicle. Oh wait, I forgot... and it was FREEZING cold.

Needless to say, I made it, I was a little late and I prepared for quite a long day of work. I did manage to get a lot accomplished and eventually 5:00 came. I picked up Liam and we headed to Walmart for a night of shopping. We had dinner at Subway and Liam thought it was the best thing ever. We next went looking for free sample cookies and then started our trip around Walmart in search for groceries. Liam got up and down, up and down a thousand times and continually threw things into the cart he thought we needed.
We eventually made it home to collect the mail, return the garbage and recycling bins, put away groceries, give Liam a bath, reconcile the bank accounts, pay some bills, transfer some money, write on the blog and then break down completely by the time you called. It was such a long day and sometimes it is just completely overwhelming. That and I'm uncomfortable and not feeling well most of the time and I seem to be a pretty miserable Wifey! I miss you so much love, I'm sorry you had a terribly long day as well and didn't feel well, we are just two peas in a pod and meant for each other. OK, the pillow is calling my name...

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Day 5 Lasagna

Tonight was a wonderful Monday aside from the fact that it was the first day of tax season. Monday means nothing other than dinner at Dads. I was excited all day because K told me she would be making lasagna. She really does make a great lasagna and tonight it was extra cheesy and super wonderful. Every time they have an Italian meal, Dad stops on his way home for work and picks up some fresh bread from Walmart. It is truly delicious! Tonight we had a salad, lasagna, bread and later topped the meal off with break with pb&j and then apple pie, YUM!

After dinner and perhaps a little bit in the middle, Dad and I had a wonderful conversation about you, us and our differences and disagreements. We discussed what you and I learn from each other and how we compromise and what we compromise on. It was such a thoughtful and in depth conversation, I really love the conversations I have with my father. It is always so nice to listen to his advice and get his opinion on events in my life. It is nice to have someone like that to depend on.

I showed Dad the pictures from our wedding. He was very interested until about the 20th picture and then I think he lost interest. I don't know why I am so addicted to photos, but I just LOVE them! Liam was very good at dinner tonight and even managed to sit in his highchair for over an hour, I was very impressed with him. While we were there, Dad called about a replacement for his TV; there is a dark spot in the corner he wanted fixed or replaced.

After our talk we ventured out in the cold and headed home for some warmth. I really miss you hun, I cannot wait for you to come home!

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Day 4 Movie Marathon

Today was a far better day than yesterday. Everything is better when children aren't nearly as sick! Liam and I continued on our quest to watch hundreds of kids movies, play with blocks, make food in his kitchen and just have Mommy and Liam time. At some point in the afternoon I got out one of my quilting projects and started ironing the pieces flat. I probably spent over 4 hours just ironing. I often forget how long it takes to make a quilt and how extremely important all of these little steps are.

I snuck some Mommy movies into our movie marathon that happened to be playing on cable. I watched the end of Made of Honor, all of Bridewars (there were tears), a small portion of 13 Going on 30 and the beginning and very end of the third Spiderman. I told you it was a lot of ironing. Liam would periodically come up to me and demand my attention, put my face between his hands and say "Love me Mommy." It was adorable and made me feel so bad for taking the time to quilt. We ate 3 bowls of Trix for breakfast, had a fairly large lunch and Nina and Papa brought me homemade Chicken Noodle Soup for dinner that was VERY good! I was extremely grateful!

I did not get to bed at a decent hour, I need to do better at this so I'm constantly not so tired, it is definitely catching up on me. I miss you so much love! I know you just left but I cannot wait for you to come home!

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Day 3 A Sick Saturday with Mommy

Last night was an EXTREMELY long night. As I'm sure you're used to, Liam had one of those nights where he wakes up every half hour crying. I tried everything I just couldn't get him to sleep comfortably. He had a runny nose, a cough, was sweating bullets and was just extremely cranky! Nina had promised to come over this morning and bring Liam a new lego train set he'd been asking everyone for, so we called her after we were out of bed and she came over after we were done making Liam some eggs and toast. I decided the best thing I could do would be to load Liam up with Orange juice and pray for the best.

We probably went through a box of tissues, they were all over the place as were his toys. We bummed around the house as it was pretty cold outside and all I wanted was to get Liam better. We built lego toys together, made meals in Liam's kitchen, did some coloring and I cleaned up my sewing desk and part of the closet. We probably watched 4 kids movies today on top of all the Disney shows that were on TV. I think we may have watched the third Shrek at least four times.

We took a long nap and Nina and Papa came over to check on us. Liam proceeded to show Papa how the train worked and we got ready for an early bed. We had a warm bath to put Liam to bed and hopefully wash away his cold. This is where I learned that I apparently have been doing bath time wrong as the ritual has changed. I learned that we swirl the warm water in and sing "Ring around the Liam". I learned that the bath toys go in time out and I learned that we now say goodbye to the dirty water. I love how great you are with him love! Here's to hoping that tonight is better than last night... I'm so tired!!!

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Day 2 Not Much Better

I'm not sure today was any better than yesterday at me trying to maintain the household and get ready for work. Quarter of 8:00, I am ready and about to head into Liam's room to dress him in the five minutes it usually takes and head out the door as he announces; "I have to poop Mom!"

Well what do you say to that... nothing. So there we waited while Liam took care of business. I wrote Mom and K to let them know we would be late and then continued on our usual schedule. At lunch today, Mom went and bought the car and I went to Misty Hollow with Kerry-Jo to get out of the office and look around some of the yarn and fabric in the store. After, we ventured in the freezing cold to Jreck Subs for some quick lunch. It was nothing fabulous and almost left me wishing I had just eaten at the office. I typically love Jrecks but since I can't have deli meat, it just wasn't the same.

At 4:00, I went to Dad's to pick up Liam, only to find out that he had come down with a cold, runny nose, slight cough and was still sleeping. I carefully wrapped him up and headed home to give him some special tlc. We cuddled in bed and I was so thankful that it was finally the weekend! I need some serious rest and hopefully this will be perfect! Bedtime for this girl, I miss you hunny.

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Day 1 You Spoil Me

What a day! From your early morning text from the renters, to the crazy snowy weather, and delayed flight, the 2 minute missed flight, the check-up and your late night drive into Texas; you sure had one long day! My day was not nearly as stressful but proved to be quite difficult regardless.

You certainly spoil me! How do you expect me to just jump back into the routine like that? It was so difficult. Trying to get both of us up, dressed and out the door by 8:00, along with packing breakfast, lunch, etc was quite a feat. The entire time you were here, I completely appreciated everything you did for me, so I'm not going to say I was shocked when you left at how much I had to pick up for myself, but I will admit that it was a TON of work.

I made it, just barely, perhaps a little late, but I made it! At lunch time, I went with Mom to test-drive one of the new Subaru's. It is the same blue as mine and handled just as well in the snow. We took it down the most terrible road just to make sure. Let's not forget that Mom chose one of the coldest days of the year to look at vehicles. We had a good time anyway and then decided to pick up McDonald's for lunch, it was so worth it!

After work, I picked up Liam and headed home to stay warm with him. We got home and lodged ourselves in front of the fireplace and texted Roo who immediately stopped by to see us! She stayed a while and we chatted, caught up and let the weight of yesterday truly sink in. K texted me to let me know they were going to Mongo for dinner and of course I had to tag along!

We showed up at Mongo to find out their furnace was broken, I should have been able to tell from the outside when I noticed a sheet of ice covering the windows. They stashed us in the back room with some space heaters and we had a great dinner, temperature aside. Liam and I returned home to curl up and get some shut eye while you finished your long trip to Texas!

I love you sweetie! It seems like every time home is that much more special than the time before it! I love being your wife and love all the time we spend together. This time was slightly different with the lack of wine consumption but still just as cozy and beautiful. Sorry I was so sick! I am so glad for that to be over! I miss you already!

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 26 Gift Wrapping

This morning we woke up and said goodbye to Aunt Marcia. She was so upset she didn't get to meet you but I keep ensuring her that eventually she'll get the chance, it will just be more difficult with your schedule. I spent the remainder of the day watching the rest of the Harry Potter marathon (I recorded it) and I wrapped gifts. Lots of gifts, all day long. It was really nice to get out of the way!

Liam came home at three and Mom stopped by for a little while to visit. Life just feels so much better when Liam is finally home with me. That's the way it always should be!

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Day 25 Harry Potter

This morning we headed over to Mom's for a breakfast that Billy had promised to make everyone. It was nice to get a chance to visit again. Kevin was picking Liam up with morning so it was obviously pretty hard on me. I stayed to chat for a little while and then headed home to watch a crazy marathon of Harry Potter. I may be a child at heart because I absolutely LOVE Harry Potter!

Later that night the whole family went to Cantina for dinner. It was absolutely wonderful, as usual except I learned a very important lesson. Apparently pregnant women shouldn't eat at Cantina. It was WAY too greasy and I spent the rest of the night in excruciating pain. I can't wait for you to come home and go out to dinner with me. I miss you so much babe!

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Day 24 Thanksgiving

Today is Thanksgiving! We had a wonderful time and from the sounds of it, you did too! I made chocolate pudding pie, green bean casserole and pistachio pudding! Everything Mom made turned out GREAT! It really was a wonderful meal. My Uncle Brian came up with his granddaughter Ava and my Aunt Marcia was here too! She stayed with Liam and I. It's always nice when she visits, I am really quite close with her. I feel better knowing that although you're not with us on Thanksgiving at least you're eating well. VERY well!

We all missed you love and Aunt Marcia cannot wait to meet you! Come home soon!

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Day 23 Stew with the Anglebergers

Tonight was dinner with your family! I ran to Walmart at lunch to do some quick shopping that I needed to do. They let us out early at 2:00 today with tomorrow being Thanksgiving and all! We drove to Colton and had the most delicious dinner. Your Momma made Beef Stew and Chili and both were completely wonderful!

I'm still not feeling that well and I have a feeling it's only going to get worse from here on out. I miss you so much hunny! I cannot wait for you to come home. I'm so thankful this Thanksgiving that you are home for our first Christmas together. I'd give up at least ten Thanksgivings for one Christmas! I cannot wait!

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Day 22 Missing You

Tuesday was just a typical day at work and a typical night where we got to spend the night at home... cleaning, picking up, watching Mickey Mouse, doing laundry, dinner etc. As it gets closer to the time you'll be coming home I can't help but get VERY excited!!! I really miss you sweetie and I really haven't felt well lately. It will be nice to have to here to take care of me and help around the house. We both really miss you sweetie! SOOOOO much!

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Day 21 Social Graces

 Liam was refusing to pose for pictures but I wouldn't take no for an answer, hehe.
Mondays Oh Mondays! Since Billy was home I decided to head to Mom's for lunch and hang out with him. Billy made me a grilled cheese sandwich and we sat in the living room to talk. Somehow the topic of condescension came up and we had a lengthy discussion on it. He warned me not to be condescending and to always listen to others' points of view. It was a rather heavy conversation for lunch time but it really got me thinking.

Sarah and I always talk about how difficult it is to remember not to talk over other people. I know it's something that should come naturally and easy to most people but it just doesn't for us. In our family either you talk loud or you never get a chance. It's just something I've become accustomed to. Not only am I conditioned to talk over people but I'm also extremely opinionated. I've tried at times not to be, but I just can't help it. I am. I seem to have an opinion about everything. Once I've rationalized my opinion I also have a hard time admitting that someone else's opinion is also just as logical. I am a very logical thinker, I struggle with the thought that there might be more than one right answer to a question, or the thought that one isn't MORE right than the other. Sometimes, I know there is more than one option, but not often.

Later, I went to Dad's for our Monday night dinner of Chicken Pot Pie which was great as usual! I can't wait for you to be home to enjoy Monday night dinner with us. I miss you baby!

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Day 20 Bundle of Joy

Today was just a wonderful, typical Sunday with Liam. Liam and Mommy. Days with just the two of us are always special and fun. We clean a little, make more of a mess, cook food randomly, make even more of a mess. Watch Lifetime and Hallmark tv movies and play in the living room. I really love my time with Liam, I cannot wait for time with another little bundle of joy. Even if this next bundle turns out to be a hellion like our current bundle!

Sometimes I get a little worried about how Liam will react to the baby, but I think if we constantly remember to carve out special time with Liam he'll adjust just fine. I cannot wait for our full house! It will be so nice to always have a piece of you with me even when you're gone. I miss you so much baby!

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Day 19 Hobble Gobble

Yay! Finally a Saturday! Today I ran to Nina's to drop Liam off with her and Uncle Billy to head out to the Hobble Gobble with Cassidy. We had a really great time, we jogged in the beginning and walked for most of the race. We were WAY off from our prediction, but the food was good, it was nice to get out and get some exercise and catch up with an old friend.

It was nice to be able to confide in someone and we were so cute, just two preggers, speed walking our way to the end. Afterward, I headed over to Mom's to hang out with Billy and catch up. I remember doing the same thing last year when I did the Hobble Gobble. I hope this is a new tradition I can carry on for the next few years. I hope sometime you're home to do the race with me as well. I think that would be fun to do together. I miss you so much lovey!

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Day 18 A Weekend Getaway

Today has been such a long day! Today was my all day CPE class in Lake Placid. I had to drop Liam off at Mom's at 6:00am and off I was on my long drive. Class was boring as usual and my old employer was there which is always fun... not! This hotel is absolutely gorgeous! It has a huge indoor swimming pool as well. I would love to take Liam here, he would absolutely love it!

I finally got back home around 6:30 and tried to salvage whatever was left of my very long day! I always think about going places and doing things with you. I really cannot wait for you to get home and to be able to go on little weekend vacations. I mean look at the amazing thing that happened on our last vacation! ;)

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Day 17 Just Time

Tonight was a typical night home. Nina came over at 4:00 to play and around 6:00 Roo decided to join the fun! We had our bath time and both tucked ourselves into Mommy's bed after I managed to pay some remaining bills and do some budget balancing. Billy is arriving in town late tonight. I cannot wait to see him!

Nights like tonight are so much easier when you are home. I miss you sweetie, there is nothing but time and waiting that can fix how much I love and miss you! So here I lay, counting the moments until you're back here once again.

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Day 16 A Thousand Pieces

Tonight was dinner with your parents and we had one of my favorite meals, chicken, rice and corn. Yum! Your Dad was at meetings all night and Liam was on his best behavior. We had a wonderful time and eventually made our way home to get the mail and settle in for the night.

I really had to go to the bathroom! I grabbed the mail and rushed to the bathroom. I'm half-way through the mail when Liam comes in holding one of the glass Christmas globes full of fake snow and water. Just as I tell Liam to carefully put it down, he does the one thing I've been dreading and drops the globe on the floor. It shatters into a thousand pieces, splatters everything with liquid and glitter, what a mess. Liam starts crying, I feel like crying and the process of cleaning up begins.

What a long night! I cannot wait for you to come home. Nights with you are so much easier, better and more beautiful.

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Day 15 Productive Day

I had my doctors appointment today at 7:45, just a quick check in to get the information I need. Mom met me there just in time. As we were checking out, she made sure to confirm that at least two people in addition to the mama were allowed to be in the ultrasound room for the first ultrasound. This is going to be a more difficult pregnancy for her because she just isn't used to letting go a little. She was my only for Liam and that is what she is used to. We rushed back to work for 8:00 and as I was settling in I received a call from the lawyer's office telling me the papers were ready to be picked up.

At lunch, Mom and I drove to canton to sign the papers and on the way back stopped at Hot Tamale for a fun lunch together. I really do love Mexican food. I think it is my favorite closely followed by Italian food. I'm such a foodie!

On our way home I promised Liam we could put away the Thanksgiving decorations and start to get out everything Christmas. He was so excited. Sometimes, it's hilarious the things he loves doing. Mom came over for a little bit to chat and watch us sort through bin after bin of Christmas decorations. Liam wanted to touch everything and claimed that EVERYTHING was his. I do believe there are quite a few decorations stashed somewhere in Liam's room that I won't find until next summer.

I really love Christmas decorations, it puts me in such a happy reminiscent mood. I can't wait to share Christmas with you love, it will be so much fun!

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Day 14 Picky Eater

Monday always brings Dad dinner and tonight K made roast beef with mashed potatoes. If you could have seen me years ago, I wouldn't have touched the roast beef or at least grumbled the entire time. Now, however, I love it. I love it so much I had seconds and possibly a small third helping. It's so strange how some things grow on you and others don't. How different people acquire different tastes at different points in their lives. You are lucky you met me when you did. I used to be a MUCH picky eater! I think living with Dad for a year and a half in my adulthood helped me to have a more open mind to the things others enjoy. I'm still not crazy about steak but let's not push our luck!
He gets so much joy out of holding these numbers. I still miss you love and am so grateful we have two weeks under our belt. It took a while but we're through it and I can't wait to see you soon!

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day 13 I Miss You Both

Sarah and I must have laid in bed until nearly 11:00am. I think that is an all time record for me. We were awake after 9, but just couldn't seem to move. After Sarah left, I eventually got my butt in gear, went shopping at Walmart and waited somewhat patiently for Liam to come home.

The days without Liam are so much harder without you here. I always feel sad without him, but I feel even worse without you too. Although I know another baby won't make up for the lost feeling I get when Liam isn't here, I think it will at least give me something to occupy my mind. I cannot wait for you to come home and my whole family to be back together once again. I really miss you!

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Day 12 Another Birthday

Liam left early this morning and I was feeling a little lost so I headed over to Sarah and Dirck's for some decaf coffee and conversation. I stayed a little longer than I meant to but eventually headed home to pick up the house and get ready for my birthday night in with Sarah.

She came over around 6ish and we just sat there, catching up, talking (about strange things as usual) eating cake, facetiming you, opening yet more presents (a chevron red scarf and Alex and Ani bracelets that I absolutely LOVE!) We eventually fell asleep talking; it was pretty late.

Part of me is sad I didn't get to spend a birthday night with you, but the rest of me knows that I have many more waiting to be celebrated with you and I cannot wait! Who cares about this year when you have forever anyway?

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Day 11 A Fabulous Day

This has been a pretty fabulous week as far as birthday's are concerned. At lunch, I met Sarah at First Crush and it was just what I needed to break up the day. It was a little hard to pick something off the menu since there are soooo many things I cannot have. We both took our time and eventually picked things! Sarah got me the most adorable Christmas ornament with all of us, including the soon-to-be newest member of the family. It might be one of my favorite things! She also go me an "A" for my charm bracelet, just like the "H" I got her when she got married. We talked about everything, caught up, relaxed and just had a wonderful time.

Tonight I had dinner at your parent's house and had an absolutely wonderful time! They got me the most adorable feather earrings (I LOVE earrings), a beautiful Willow Tree (my collection is really starting to look wonderful) and my all time favorite (truffles!!) We sat and talked and had a wonderful dinner. The only thing that was missing was you. I really love you sweetie and I cannot wait to see you again! You're my everything!

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Day 10 The Important Things in Life

Tonight Sarah and Dirck came over for the evening to have a little dinner. Because they are totally awesome, they brought Bagelry. I absolutely love Bagelry and thankfully this pregnancy hasn't kept me from eating any portion of my favorite foods. Liam had a great time and even did some pretty impressive bonding with Dirck. They spent time coloring in Liam's room. When it was time to go Liam started in with his goodbyes. Now, typically Dirck is lucky if he gets so much as a verbal greeting. Today however, he got a hug, and when he went in for the hug; Liam was insistent on a kiss as well. Dirck attempted for a kiss on the cheek and Liam wanted no part of that. My fault I guess, I only ever taught Liam to kiss on the lips, so to Dirck's lips he went.

That was definitely a first and it was a complete surprise and totally beautiful. Every day, Liam surprises me, makes me laugh, and reminds me of the important things in life. It might be strange, but now when I look at Liam, he reminds me of you! Of our time together, of how much he loves you, of how much you love him. We are both so incredibly lucky to have you in our lives!

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Day 9 My Birfday

Today is my birthday! I usually do things pretty small. No party, not much for a celebration and just a few presents. I love love loved my purse! I emptied everything from my other purse and packed this one up right. I've already received compliments on it, thank you babe! Mom made me my favorite no-bake cookies! She even brought some into the office in a plastic baggie which I have already managed to devour.

I just can't resist myself when faced with chocolate, and especially no-bakes! Riddhi bought me some Japanese cheesecake which was delightful and tonight I have dinner at Mom's house!

I really miss you and I'm sorry you couldn't be here, I know it must be hard to miss important moments, holidays and occasions. I'm sure it'll get easier as the time goes on, either that or we'll get more used to it. Either way, please know that I miss you, you are constantly on my mind, and cannot wait to see you again soon!

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day 8 A Dishwasher

Today was relatively uneventful minus my pretty awesome lunch. At lunch today, Mom and I went first to Sears and then to Lowe's to look at dishwashers. We both know how much I TOTALLY HATE washing dishes! We found a few cheap models at Sears but far more at Lowe's, for a better price and with financing. Billy decided to surprise me with a dishwasher for my birthday and I couldn't be more pleased about it. He knows the way right to my heart, get me something that will make me work less... hehe.

I picked out a black one I really liked and Mom and Bry Bry stopped after work to buy it for me. Well order it I should say. It won't be in until after my birthday but at least it will be here! Billy will be coming home for Thanksgiving so I hope it's installed by then, that would be nice to show him what he and Mom and Bry Bry got me!

Soon you will be home too and you will be able to enjoy the benefits of clean dishes as well. Won't it just be grand hun?

I tried to get Liam to hold the numbers while I take pictures but he usually puts them on his face. When I tell him to put the number down lower he squats to the floor so nothing is visible. This time I tried explaining that he should put the number on his belly, that worked out alright except that then I couldn't get him to look up or we went into the whole number in front of his face all over again! So 20 pictures later I settled for this one. Oh that boy!

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Day 7 You Are Loved

Today was a typical Monday! Back to work, and dinner at Dad's! We went to Mongolian Grill which used to be our Thursday night ritual when I lived with them before Liam was born and then more sporadically after he graced us with his presence.

I know, you know, how sick, uncomfortable and busy I was this hitch and how extremely hard it was for me to keep everything together. I tried, I mostly succeeded but here and there some things slipped through the cracks. Mom would be the first to tell you that the cleaning definitely took a nose dive. I don't know that things got any better until the day of our wedding, to be honest. When you don't feel well, life can be a struggle!

One of the other things that often went by the wayside was your blog. I wrote bits and pieces to remind myself of what I did on a particular day, but for the most part, large parts are unwritten. I promise to try and fill in the missing moments as best I can and to always post something, no matter how small. Every day, you should wake up knowing you are loved. If by chance you forget, your blog will be here to remind you... even if the words are few. Please know, you are so special to me.

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Day 6 Dirty Dancing

Sunday mornings aren't nearly as wonderful as Saturday's but they're not that bad either. Liam and I woke up and went to Mom's for some breakfast. I love that our families live so close together and we can see them anytime we want to when we're home. I used to live so far from anyone. Although four hours doesn't seem that far, it's nothing like five minutes and it makes such a difference in the relationship I can have with them.

Liam and I went home and wasted our day away. Nina and Papa came over for dinner and thankfully Papa was able to fix up our heater just a little bit since it was leaking water all over the basement floor. That reminds me, you need to look into those chlorine tablets when you get home to clean out the pipe and make sure this doesn't happen again. I'm so thankful I have someone so resourceful and special. I don't know what I would do without you!

While Mom was over Dirty Dancing was on and Mom and I caught the end of it. We both sat there in tears. Mom cried for the loss of Patrick Swayze and I cried because honestly "No one puts Baby in the corner!" Tonight was bath night, I scrubbed Liam down as Nina and Papa left, took care of Liam's wart and we both cuddled up for some Mommy time in bed and Facetime with our favorite man.

Everything is getting that much harder. I feel sick far more often and I am extremely tired. I guess most of all I just don't feel like myself. I cannot wait for you to come home love, everything will be soooo much easier! Soon?

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Day 5 Easy Saturday

Today was a typical, relaxing Saturday. Last night was a little rough, so Liam and I spent most of the day just bumming around the house. We watched the Santa Clause and attempted to get into the Christmas spirit. I worked on your quilt, hand-sewing the binding. I love making something so special for you!

Billy called while Liam took a nap and he and I had a really great conversation about life and we often do! He reminded me how lucky I am to have you and how much I appreciate our relationship. It really does sometimes take a storm to appreciate the rainbow that follows. Forever and always, you will be my rainbow. You brought the sun with you when I wasn't sure I would ever see sun again.
We ran to Wal-Mart before dinner to pick up some tissues (since we have been blowing our noses like crazy and I like the soft ones with lotion). We also grabbed some bread for dinner at Dad's house. K made the most wonderful lasagna for dinner. I wish you were here tonight, I always wish you were here. I miss you already.

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Day 4 Maybe the Grinch isn't THAT Scary

I soooooo look forward to Fridays! I really miss you hun! Instead of Donut day today, work bought Bagelry bagels. They didn't realize veggie cream cheese was a must, but the chive is pretty good as well! Mom called in sick today, I think her seminar got to her and she needed some time to recharge. Work just isn't the same without her here and she hasn't been here since Tuesday!

At lunch time, I ran to K's to pick up Liam and bring him to Mom's for the afternoon. They proceeded to fill the living room with pots, pans, bowls, spoons, spices and cereal. Liam sat in the living room "cooking" and having an absolute blast! I am positive he is going to LOVE the kitchen Santa is bringing him for Christmas. I ran home at 4:00 to collect Liam and enjoy my night with my little helper.

We ate dinner and then ventured into the living room for movie time. Liam requested The Grinch, so skeptically I put it on and prayed for the best. He sat with me the entire time and LOVED it. There were only a few moments when he pulled me closer but most of the time he just sat and watched, eyes huge! We chose to forgo the popcorn, so I gave him goldfish instead. I cannot wait for you to be home so we can have another popcorn movie night. I really miss you hunny.

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Day 3 Happy Pappy's Birthday

Today was superbly wonderful. You and your father share so much of the same humor. I'm never quite sure if that should scare me or make me laugh. He does look rather fetching in this picture though don't you think?

Work was the same as usual, quite frustrating and rather odd. Either way, I went home at lunch to do dishes from dinner with Roo and wrap Pappy's gift. At 4:00, Liam and I headed out to your parents for a night of relaxation. When we arrived there had been a fire call for an accident. We played with Henry Monster until 6:30 when they returned.

Liam rode John Henry like a horse, attempted to ride moose, watched in awe as John Henry made farting noises with his armpit and spun in circles. I relaxed on the couch and yawned excessively.  Your Momma made the BEST meatloaf and even made special food just for me! Liam housed an entire meatloaf himself and then retired to the living room with Henry Monster to fall asleep in his lap.

She made the most delicious pies which I had to enjoy later after Liam was in bed. Liam never woke up fully. Pappy brought him to the car, he cried here and there on the way home and finally fell asleep laying on his Mommy. It was such a precious moment. I love nights like these when he wants to cuddle with me because I know someday cuddling with me will be one of the last things on his mind.

I loved our FaceTime, our discussions and your love for me.

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!