Friday, March 28, 2014

Day 18 Cleaning, Playing, Productive Day

Liam let us sleep in until 7:30 which was MUCH needed. We shared a bowl of cereal to which Liam told me to "Get more Mom, like JJ does it!" So bowl after bowl we munched on cereal... yum!

Nina and papa came over while I sorted and filed bills, then proceeded to pay bills, sometimes it is such a process! Liam and I had a special lunch of Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches and Spaghettios! It was delicious. Liam took a nap while I folded laundry, washed more laundry, watched about a million movies and did some puzzles together when he woke up.

I even caved in and did a Sponge Bob puzzle even though I absolutely despise him, lol. We played with blocks and eventually I took a break to clean the kitchen. when I was done Liam requested waffles like JJ does it. EVERYTHING, like JJ does it. You are such a special part of our lives hunny.

I wrote on the blog while Liam watched some movies and played on his computer. We FaceTimed my love, I took a shower and it was finally bedtime. What a busy day off!

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

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