Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Day 21 Social Graces

 Liam was refusing to pose for pictures but I wouldn't take no for an answer, hehe.
Mondays Oh Mondays! Since Billy was home I decided to head to Mom's for lunch and hang out with him. Billy made me a grilled cheese sandwich and we sat in the living room to talk. Somehow the topic of condescension came up and we had a lengthy discussion on it. He warned me not to be condescending and to always listen to others' points of view. It was a rather heavy conversation for lunch time but it really got me thinking.

Sarah and I always talk about how difficult it is to remember not to talk over other people. I know it's something that should come naturally and easy to most people but it just doesn't for us. In our family either you talk loud or you never get a chance. It's just something I've become accustomed to. Not only am I conditioned to talk over people but I'm also extremely opinionated. I've tried at times not to be, but I just can't help it. I am. I seem to have an opinion about everything. Once I've rationalized my opinion I also have a hard time admitting that someone else's opinion is also just as logical. I am a very logical thinker, I struggle with the thought that there might be more than one right answer to a question, or the thought that one isn't MORE right than the other. Sometimes, I know there is more than one option, but not often.

Later, I went to Dad's for our Monday night dinner of Chicken Pot Pie which was great as usual! I can't wait for you to be home to enjoy Monday night dinner with us. I miss you baby!

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

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