Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Day 14 Picky Eater

Monday always brings Dad dinner and tonight K made roast beef with mashed potatoes. If you could have seen me years ago, I wouldn't have touched the roast beef or at least grumbled the entire time. Now, however, I love it. I love it so much I had seconds and possibly a small third helping. It's so strange how some things grow on you and others don't. How different people acquire different tastes at different points in their lives. You are lucky you met me when you did. I used to be a MUCH picky eater! I think living with Dad for a year and a half in my adulthood helped me to have a more open mind to the things others enjoy. I'm still not crazy about steak but let's not push our luck!
He gets so much joy out of holding these numbers. I still miss you love and am so grateful we have two weeks under our belt. It took a while but we're through it and I can't wait to see you soon!

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

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