Monday, November 11, 2013

Day 7 I'm Not a Fan of Monday's

This morning came as a not-so-gentle reminder that I have to return to work for another Monday! These days really are the worst, especially after such a pleasant family-oriented weekend. As per usual, I woke up late, tried my best to throw me together and ran out the door. I tried to be productive at work, as work got a little crazy. Fed up with the rudeness of some people, Janet quit this morning and work became that much more hectic and gossipy. I went home at lunch to fold the massive pile of your laundry that had accumulated on the floor of our bedroom, and then tried to push, pull, squeeze and squash it into whatever drawer I could find.

I changed the sheets and made the bed and headed back to my Monday afternoon reminding myself that I had dinner with Dad tonight and could relax! I mosied to Dads at four, collected Liam, did some quilting at home and made it back to Dad's house around 5:30 for our "last meal!" We always joke, that if we were on death row, and had only one meal left in life, that we would unanimously decide on Mac-n-cheese and Beans and hotdogs as Dad makes them.

It was soooo yummy and I ate WAY too much. After my terrible Monday, I was craving serious comfort food and this was just the thing. Let's not even talk about the delicious Chocolate Chip Cookies K made for dessert. Dad and I shared an entire bottle of Pinot Noir, we had great conversation and I left feeling full and happy (perhaps a little over full and therefore a little less than perfectly happy)!

When Liam and I made it home, I plugged my phone in because it had gotten quite low, and out to the living room for more quilting I ventured. I must have really been preoccupied because before I knew it, it was 8:30 and I was rushing to get Liam to bed. As I left his room, I remembered my phone charging in the other room and made it just in time to see various missed calls, plenty of text messages and my mother writing "Here!" Seems she was overly concerned about my lack of communication and was stopping by to ensure I was still alive.

I allowed her to get Liam out of bed, as I had just put him in there and he was wide awake. She stayed for a little as I rushed her out because I was missing seeing my favorite face! I have been turning the fireplace on the last few days. It is starting to get cold. Fall makes me miss you sooo much. I can't wait to share all fall has to offer with you!

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

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