Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Day 22 I'm a Snoozer

I'm a snoozer! I can't help it, it's what I do! No matter what time I set the alarm clock for, I'm guaranteed to not wake up in time. I will constantly, over and over again, hit the snooze button until I run out of options or time. This time, it was options, meaning: there were no more snoozes, I woke up at 7:30 on my own and had to rush to get to work by 8:00. Trust me, it happens... such a slacker! This is rarely an actual issue because I don't fuss a lot over my appearance. I guess I just don't have it in me!

Liam was super addicted to your video this morning! I even let him play with my phone in the car so he could hear you over and over again.

When you would ask him what he was doing today; he would tell you, "I'm going to Grandma's, JJ!"

Then you would ask if he was going to Nina's and he would go into this elaborate story about how she wasn't there, she has to work today and Papa isn't there either. He would continue to tell you that he wants to go and then the video would run out of time and stop so he would play it again so he could continue to tell you how Nina wasn't there right now. The video would get to the part where you would ask him what he was doing today and he would start all over from the beginning. It was adorable! It made me so happy that he is so in love with you and so sad that you were gone, I really love you baby!

I went home at lunch to do dishes, make the bed, clean the bedroom, and pick up the living room. Tonight, I went out to the rental to get the kitchen closet and the desk cleaned out, yikes!!! The desk held all kinds of useful reminders for me. It reminded me to remain level-headed and stick to our budget! Babe we seriously need to do some filing! Miss Kitty was especially lonely tonight. I can tell she misses you. She kept knocking things off the desk as I tried to clean.

I dropped a broomstick off at your Mother's house and she loaded me up with more treats to take to the house (pumpkin rice crispy treats with chocolate chips and ghost cookies). She showed me all of the renovations on the house; the shower looks great! Renovations are SOOO much work!

I know tonight we had a difficult Facetime, and that reminds me that we are still learning about eachother and how we interact and grow. Our conversation reminded me that everything we have is fresh and new and that although our pasts will always have an influence on us, we should try to break from them as often as possible.

"You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading your last one."

This is something I often have to remind myself. To leave the past where it belongs, let it go, and live in the moment, with you. It's much better in these moments anyway!

You struggled a little with being defensive tonight. I often have the same problem, and I think that is common among most people. We always assume people view us at our worst, but trust me when I say, you are your own biggest critic.

"People are more what they hide than what they show."

So it is often difficult to learn of these things any other way than through time, and trial and error. We will get there sweetheart, all in good time.

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

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