Saturday, November 9, 2013

Day 5 What We Will Be

My days at home with Liam are some of my favorite days. We lounge around in comfy clothes, do things I LOVE like crafting, text you intermittently, and love each other like crazy! I think too many parents don't take the time to really enjoy and love their children. We get so busy and wrapped up in life that we forget to appreciate the simple, everyday, mundane moments, like these.

I was feeling exceptionally crafty and thrifty today so I decided to dye your old socks. You did WHAT, you ask? I dyed your socks. The aim was red, orange, and green. The outcome; pink, orange and yellowish-green. Mneh, it'll work! It was a really cool process and I had a ton of fun doing it. Mom came over while I was stirring them in large pots of dye and laughed. The house was a disaster, there was clean laundry strewn all about, and movies on both TV's in the house playing simultaneously. All of that mess, coupled with me in my rubber gloves, it was certainly a sight to see.

After she left, Liam and I cuddled up for a nap, I talked with you on the phone, put together some fabric for Rag Rugs and decided on an early bed time. Overall it was about as perfect as a day can be without you here.

We watched The Lorax:
Ted: "The last seed?"
Once-ler "It's not about what it is. It's about what it can become."

Often times, people will make remarks to me, that although it's not as though they are suggesting we are moving too quickly, it is as if they are silently judging our happiness and decisions. I firmly believe that when things are right you know in your heart that they are, and commitment and happiness are finally within reach. I think the quote above perfectly describes this. I think too often people are looking at what we are, how long we have known each other, what the situation currently is. I don't look at it that way. I rarely spend my time dwelling on the past or rifling through it to find answers. Instead, I concentrate on the future and the present. On what we currently are and will be. I look at what we will become and I am that much more content with our lives. I hope when you look at us, you see what we can become too because it is such an amazing sight to see!

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

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