Friday, November 8, 2013

Day 4 Super Liam Saves the Day

My God, that boy is stubborn, especially for pictures. It probably doesn't help that I subject him to thousands on a monthly basis. I just can't help but capture those adorable curls!

Today is FRIDAY!!! Which means very little when you have no one fabulous at home (other than Liam of course) to spend your weekend off with. I made the best of it, woke up missing you and plowed through my day.

I snuck to the bank at lunch to cash out the change from your house. I ran home to do dishes, pick up the house and rushed back in time for a little productivity. Four o'clock came and I was soooo excited to get out of work. I picked up Liam, ran home to squeeze some quilting in, and then met Dad at Ponderosa for dinner. We had a really good time. I really enjoy talking with K and Dad about you. I love how much everyone in my family approves of you, of us; it gives me a peace I have been searching for a long time to find.

Liam and I slowly ventured to Walmart to do some light shopping. Liam desperately needed some new sneakers (his feet grow like weeds) and some new socks (I can never find the color I want). I probably took a little too long looking in all of the isles for deals and bargains because sure enough, just as we are checking out, the little voice I've been listening to says, "Mommy, I have to pee!"

HELP ME!!! Wait... Enter Nicole Bailey. I cannot tell you how happy I was in that exact moment! I am (for all intents and purposes) a "single" mother. Although not currently single and hopefully never again, I think the name implies I watch the children (or child) by myself, alone and on occasion (by God's grace) with the help of family. Most of the time, I proclaim my single motherhood with pride and reverence. "I am a single mother!" I say! And other days, I cower in the corner while Liam destroys the house, I rush through the shower leaving soap all over my body as Liam calls to me from the other room, and I scrub food particles out of places I didn't know food could be while muttering expletives under my breath. Ask your Momma, this job ain't easy! And today with a cart full of groceries, a purse and a two year-old with a full bladder, I thank my lucky stars for fast reliable friends!

Although I'm sure to her this seemed like nothing, watching someones cart while they took their child to the bathroom. Without her, I likely would have ended up with pee everywhere, no groceries and possibly no purse. But there she was, beautifully smiley, eager to help, and pleasant as punch! Liam typically runs around the house chanting, "Super Liam Saves the Day!" while punching his fist into the air! Today, I think Nicole was pretty Super!

I eventually made it home in time for Nina and Papa to come over for some pizza, then bed for Liam, and quilting for me. I popped Pretty Woman into the DVD player while I sewed, cut, and ironed to my content. I was up until sometime after two in the morning.

A quote from Pretty Woman:
Edward: "So what happens after he climbs up and rescues her?"
Vivian: "She rescues him right back."

You say all the time how I rescued you from everything, well you should know... you rescued me too!

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

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