Saturday, November 23, 2013

Day 19 Craft a Little or a LOT

Today was a new day, but just as busy as yesterday. This morning I woke up very early and went into the living room to clean up all of the crafts that were strewn about. Mother came over bright and early to do some crafting with me. She had seen a leaf bowl on Pinterest that she was very intrigued to make. In order to make the leaf bowl we covered the bottom of a bowl with plastic wrap. Then we covered the plastic wrap with mod podge and layered on the leaves. We used fake leaves because they were far more vibrant and glittery. You know how much I love Glitter!
At first I was certain this project was a disaster, but it turned out to be a very fun learning experience. We had a really good time, laughed very hard, and mother even tried it herself. It took over 24 hours for the mod podge to dry completely but when it did it was gorgeous.
Simone came over around 10 in the morning to work on her baby quilt. She only needed to sew two more rows and then she was finished with the top assembly. After she was done, we took the time to iron the quilt and then laid it on the floor in order to be basted. The basting session took well over a few hours. Which gave me some time to work on my Fall Quilt.
Around noon, I made lunch for everyone and we sat at the table just chatting. After lunch, Mom put Liam down for a nap. Once everyone had accomplished enough to crafting for the day I kicked them all out and headed over to Roo's house. Liam had a wonderful time and so did I. I didn't think I would be bothered, but when I walked in the door there was this overwhelming feeling that overtook me. Within 10 minutes of arriving I was in gushing tears. I had no idea I would feel this way about having my best friend down the road. It is such an amazing feeling! I guess all of this time I didn't think it would ever really happen.

We had chicken and rice for dinner along with some corn. Liam absolutely loved it and the fact that Taylor was over to keep him entertained. After we were done visiting Roo, we headed home for some Facetime with my love. I spent the rest of the evening putting away your clothes and organizing them into the two dressers. It was so much work! Is it sleep time yet?

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

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