Friday, July 26, 2013

Day 13 Dunkin' Donuts

You have a way with words...

You have a way with kids, you have a way of getting your way, and you have a way with Liam. Sometimes I stare at you with complete amazement, wondering to myself, "Why didn't I think of that?"

You taught Liam to swear appropriately. You convinced him to eat his dinner when I couldn't. You taught him to kill bugs when I ran screaming. You showed him that shadows aren't scary. You taught him to kick a soccer ball and to steer his car.

You are the first person in my life that Liam called out for in the middle of the night other than myself or my mother. You are a very special person Jeffery and I am so blessed and grateful to have you in my life!

And Jeffery, I Blue Heart love you!

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